• Power level 1  Learn your authority to cast out devils

  • Power level 2  Command and impart healing with the “faith of God”

  • Power level 3  Receive and impart the Holy Spirit’s gifts with power

  • Power level 4  Tear down strongholds with Radical Anointed Warfare training

  • Power level 5  Get S.W.A.T training for your local marketplace

These trainings sessions with their Boot Camp style approach are ‘Key’ to prepare a people ready to battle. As the restoration of all things is at hand the Ministry of the Prophet, Priest, and King are being restored. A New Generation of equipped believers are stepping out of their comfort zones to obey the Commander and Chief Jesus Christ preaching a Full Gospel with Signs following.

In these last days the darkness is looming throughout the land and there is a strategy given in the Word of God to overcome this present darkness. 

The Great Commission spoken of by our Lord Jesus Christ (Mark 16: 15-18) has the keys necessary to equip believers young and old alike, to become Bold Warriors for God. We believe a people with the “Faith of God” can begin to “Leap out of their comfort zones with healing and deliverance in their hands”(mal:4:5) exercising their obedience to this Commission as our Lord will confirm these believers with Signs following ! 

Then…Malachi 4:6 says… he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse as the sign of Elijah is seen a 3rd and final time in this last hour (Luke 1: 17). This final witness will usher in the greatest harvest of souls the World has ever witnessed in the history of the human race! 


it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.


“I will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against her”

                                          It will take your obedience!!

                                                             Boots on the Ground Overview

     Our Boot Camp style-training approach is “Key” to conveying that the Great Commission is the Supernatural Military Operation that Jesus our Commander and Chief Commissioned to His Disciples and Commanded them to… “Go ye into the World” and “Preach Good News”  telling them “The Kingdom of God is near you.” 

     If truly sent as believers, Jesus promised signs would follow those who obey and believe! Jesus commanded them to take nothing and sell off what they had so they could be totally available to walk by faith for the mission. So why does our Boot Camp style approach work so well with young believers? Young men and women want to be part of “A Move,” “A Happening,” and when they get away and sell out for “A Cause” they will surely receive the promise of power to walk as Jesus walked with signs following! It is extremely simple… Just obey the Word and GO, The Lord will back their obedience!  

      By the end of these training sessions, they will understand the importance of living holy before the Lord, and they will be equipped and confident to heal the sick, cast out devils, and move in the Gifts of the Spirit. What Pastor or youth leader who understands biblical pattern would not want their young people to receive “This Special Forces Ministry Training” and move out in the Power of Elijah?!


We hope that we will be able to inspire churches everywhere to be bold warriors for this generation.


Power Level 1: Cast out devils!

 This is one of the top commands that Jesus gave to His Disciples at the Great Commissioning. He said that those who cast out demons would be a sign of true believers and their  Kingdom Authority… opposed to the common Christian theology that does not teach or encourage the casting out of demons. 

Notice the casting out of demons was number one on the list of things to have power over in the Gospels and this was listed this way by no accident. In order to be free to receive salvation, the fullness of the Holy Spirit, and even healing for that matter the demons must be removed to receive the fullness of what The Lord has for every believer. 

For a disciple to move from Power Level 1 to Power Level 2 they must receive their own deliverance first…  then they will learn with The Holy Spirit how to impart deliverance to others. 

Power Level 1 training … first “get free” then you can free others …here is a good saying to reflect upon…


 “He that has been delivered from much delivers much”

Power Level 2: Command Healing and be healed with "faith of God"

Before the Great Commission, Jesus spent time training his Disciples by demonstrating the principles of healing. Not only did Jesus Command Healing He also was empowered by The Holy Spirit without measure to Heal the sick.  In some cases, He Commanded Healing, and in others cases He just Healed them by the Power of the Gift of God bestowed on Him by the Father. 

  In Level 2 we will learn how Jesus healed the sick through command and in this section, we will discuss the gifts of healing and how you can flow in the “Gift.” And “pray & command” together  

“By the Faith of GOD say unto this mountain be thou removed and it will obey you”

Power Level 3: The Baptism of The Holy Spirit with New Tongues

So far we see that we must be free of demons to effectively free others when Power Level 1… is complete you are more likely to be healed of sicknesses once demons are removed.

You will then be able to impart healing and deliverance to others. Jesus Ministered in the Authority of The King and the Faith of His Father, as He obeyed what His Father was Commanding Him to do… the roots of curses, and all sickness were broken by the Faith of God in Him, bestowed upon Him, by The Holy Spirit. 

Now Jesus said, “Greater Works shall you do as I go to my Father.” Jesus also said  He must send “The Comforter.” The scripture says The Lord working “with them” performed Signs and Wonders through “Them.” 

In Power Level 2… We learn how to receive the Dunamis of God to work with the Command of His Word “Logos” and then his word “Rhema” coming together on our lips as we impart  “ Faith of God.”

You will also learn to exercise the Gift of The Spirit in “The measure” you have been given… each person receives the Power of God according to their Faith in measure 

In  Level 3… We will lead you to the Upper Room where you will wait upon The Lord to receive His Power! This Dunamas gives you what you will need to War in The Spirit for friends and family and even cities as The Holy Spirit intercedes through you!!

Power Level 4: R.A.W. Radical Anointed Warfare in the Name of Jesus

You will learn how to tread on serpents and scorpions or as we say Radically War under the Empowerment and Gifting of The Holy Spirit.

The Word of God says, “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” These two verbs say it all about how we are to fight the enemy …Loudly!! Intensely!! And without mercy against the enemies of our faith as God has given us All Authority over ALL the wiles of the devil. 

We will go into detail on this and the principles in the Word of God on how to safely and effectually war against the powers of darkness. As it says… “We wrestle not against flesh and blood.”  So the Challengers will learn to tear down strongholds of the enemy in their personal lives as well as in their families, friends, and local marketplaces in Jesus’ Name!

Power Level 5: S.W.A.T. ... Street Witnessing and Training

Our beloved Apostle and Elijah Challenge world coordinator William Lau has put together a comprehensive PowerPoint training, encapsulating his experiences in the jungles of Indonesia, India, and the streets of America. 

He teaches on how to effectively witness your faith in Christ to others with signs following. Yes, demons will cry out! People will be set free and healed!  Many will come to Christ as you learn how to apply The Word of God, and learn from William’s years of streetwise experience.

So get ready to receive your S.W.A.T certification and take up this Challenge!!

For more information about William Lau’s ministry : www.theelijahchallenge.org 

Our Speakers

For Power Level 1: Pastor Lou and Soonhe Young with White Horse Outreach will be ministering with us.

” White Horse Outreach is an end times ministry with an Isaiah 61 mandate. Pastor Lou and Prophet Soonhe Young have been married since March 13, 1993. They are based in Plano, Texas. They have been commissioned by God to step out with boldness to set the captives free and equip the saints.

Salvation | Healing | Deliverance

“Setting the captives free and equipping the saints!”

For more information please visit their website:


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  Join the mission of The Final Commission and support us with your generous donations. Your financial contributions enable us to spread the Gospel with Signs Following and equip believers to become bold warriors for God. With your support, we can fulfill the Great Commission and bring about the greatest harvest of souls the world has ever witnessed. Your obedience and donations make a difference. Be a part of this move, this happening, and inspire churches everywhere to become bold warriors for this generation. Register now and stand with us. Together, we can make a powerful impact.

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